Wrecking yard in Perth deals in used auto parts and dismantle any scrap vehicles. We pay top dollar cash for unwanted vehicle instantly when we buy your car, 4×4 or four-wheel drives, Utes, vans and truck. Our business is 100% registered, legitimate, and legal for the auto recycling and wrecking business. We accept all unused, damaged, rusted, broken and make & models in any conditions and any commercial or non-commercial cars. Our expert recycling team will examine your vehicle, assess the situation and make you an on-the-spot cash offer. Our team is wrecking any late-model of Toyota, Nissan, Honda, BMW, Mitsubishi and Mazda vehicles along with trucks produced by Hino, Fuso and Isuzu. If you want to free car removals, rather than cash for cars in Perth, please call at 0499 223 248, Email, online and Direct Visit website www.wangaracarwreckers.com.au.