
Popup Media

Local Services

41 Birmingham Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2015

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1300 909 446


Popup Media

Local Services

41 Birmingham Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2015

1300 909 446

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Popup Media

Local Services

41 Birmingham Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2015

1300 909 446 Call

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Trusted by Australia’s leading brands the Popup Media Wall is modern in design, highest of quality, portable, and affordable. The seamless technology of our fabrics allow for the graphics to be printed at high resolution which show smoothly and fluently. Our media walls are multi-purpose and are designed for event backdrops, red carpet backdrop, exhibition stands Australia, product launches, brand activations, photo walls, red carpets, weddings and birthday parties. Get in touch and let us know about your event today!


41 Birmingham Street Sydney, New South Wales 2015


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Popup Media
Posted 2 years ago
