How To Maintain Hot Water Pipes?


How To Maintain Hot Water Pipes?

By Yazmin Grimes 2 years ago plumbing

Keeping your water pipes clean is just as important as any other cleaning chore in the house. If you take care of your pipes and maintain them from time to time, they will last long. Now, when it comes to maintaining hot water pipes, people often wonder how different and difficult it is when compared to maintaining normal water pipes. It is not rocket science. The methods are the same, you just have to be a bit more careful and the materials used should be the suitable ones.

Hot Water System Repair

Hot Water System Repair

So, Here is How You Can Maintain Your Hot Water Pipes:

Insulate Them

Insulating your hot water pipes ensures that your pipes are not affected by the outside temperature. Insulating materials also keep your pipes safe from various damages. You don't need a professional for this. Go get the right insulating sleeves from the market, place them on the pipes and secure them with a tape or wire.

Use High Temperature Bearable Putty 

There is always a possibility of getting holes and cracks in your water pipes. Do not just use regular putty to repair the pipes. They will burst open again because of hot water. There are high temperature bearable putties available. They can easily bear the temperature of 150 degree celsius. 

Install a Water Softener

Hard water contains minerals like calcium and lime. The hot water carries them with it but as soon as they reach a normal temperature, they tend to accumulate in your pipes. You will start noticing white lime build up in your pipes, on your taps and shower faucets. This sediment can gradually block your hot water pipes. It is best to install water softener that will remove these minerals through a salt filter from the water. Always remember a hot water plumber to safely install a water softener. 

Clean Your Hot Water Pipes

To clean your hot water pipes and to get rid of the sediment, you just need to use a lime remover. Empty your water heater and fill some lime remover in it, now fill up your water heater tank. Let it sit for a while. Allow the water to flow out from all the taps and showers via pipes until there is no soapy water coming out. Do not just use any chemical for cleaning your hot water pipes.  

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and baking soda is the best old trick to remove calcium build up from the pipes. Repeat the whole process from the previous point. Just use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Before you let it flow and do not let it sit for much long in the tank. You must let it flow while the fizzy reaction goes on. 

Use Quality Tapes

A normal fixing tape won't help in the case of a hot water pipe, go for using a strong silicone repair tape for securing any small cracks or even the insulating material or putty. Silicone repair tapes last long and have extreme temperature bearability. 

And at last, consider calling a hot water system repairs plumber for a professional inspection of the pipes once a year to ensure smooth functioning and to avoid and finish any potential risks.


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