7 Hacks : How To Deal With Clogged Drains


7 Hacks : How To Deal With Clogged Drains

By Yazmin Grimes 2 years ago plumbing

A clogged drain is the last horrible thing you want to deal with! It is absolutely gross when your bathroom is filled up with ankle length water. We all know the feeling of worry and disgust when that happens. So, Clogged drains can be the reason behind unpleasant odours and damaged pipes. It can even invite germs. 

Some most common causes of drain clogs are soap froth, hair, wipes, foreign objects (well the babies and dogs are pro at throwing foreign objects in the drain and toilets). Before you get annoyed and ring up the affordable plumber, try these hacks to unclog a drain.

  • Boiling water

Take 2-3 gallons of hot water and pour it into the drain. It's best to use a container that can easily pour it down the drain. Pour this hot water in small portions, this will give it time to unclog all the sludge in there. So, Do it twice a month to keep your drains free and fine. 

  • Vinegar and Baking Soda

Take about half a cup of each. Mix them together and pour it down the drain immediately. You might want to put a stopper as well for letting the mixture stay there for a while. Wait for an hour and when the time is up, gush down a good amount of boiling water after removing the stopper. 

  • Clothes hanger

Well, worry not if you have a steel cloth anger at your home. Take one and unfold it into a straight wire. Create a small hook at the end of it. Then what! Just go down your drain and try to push up all the debris that is blocking water from flowing freely. Drain snake is also super useful for unclogging drains. 

  • Soda

Soda, Pepsi or any other fizzy drink can be a saver at times during a clogged drain crisis. Grab these bottles and empty it into the drain. Let it stay there for an hour. The phosphoric acid in the soda might work like magic for you.  The fizz can help you get rid of the clogged debris. Pour hot water after an hour to see the final result. 

  • Caustic soda

You have to be really careful while using this. Do not forget to wear gloves and glasses during the whole process. Take 4 cups of water and add 1 cup of caustic soda. Stir the mixture till it starts fizzing and heating up. Pour it down the blocked drain and let it stay there for about half an hour. End the process by running down hot water in the drain. 

  • Salt and baking soda 

Take half a cup of table salt and half a cup of baking soda. Mix them together and pour this mixture down the clogged drain. Wait for 20 minutes for the mixture to sit. Pour some boiling water down the drain. These three ingredients will cause a reaction that will help you get rid of the deposit. 

  • Baking soda and lemon juice

Take half a cup of baking soda. Put it down in the drain. Pour half a cup of lemon soda over it. Put a stopper and let this mixture stay there for an hour. Pour down hot water in the end and you're done.

However, if you fail to deal with clogged drains with these 7 hacks, you can call drain plumbers to help you. There is no clogged drain issue that drain plumbers can not solve or clear.


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